Friday, June 1, 2007

Joining Facebook

I have joined Facebook after a curious confluence of events. First, I met a fellow HoCo blogger named Jesse Newburn, who in the midst of our conversation said something like "You should get on Facebook." Then the folks at WaPo announced the company was putting together a little politics app for the network. Here's a link to an explanation of how it works.

At first I didn't get Facebook at all. I could hardly figure out how to navigate the thing. But as I add "friends" and see all their updates I'm beginning to grasp the power. I'd love thoughts from users about how to integrate Facebook with what I'm doing at Columbia Talk. Please send me your success stories.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm not exactly sure what to do with Facebook yet either. So far, the only thing I've done is collect a bunch of friends and join some groups, but what I do with those is not yet clear to me. They didn't have this type of thing when I was in college.... :)