Wednesday, June 13, 2007

My Podcast Commute

I'm often asked by my co-workers how I can possibly stand my daily commute to Washington. Well, for starters, I tell them, I cheat. My day begins a little later than most people's and it ends later, so I typically miss the worst of the daily traffic mess. And I don't hurry; I get in a lane and stay there. It relieves some of the aggravation of "fighting" traffic.

But my real secret is my radio. I installed a fancy one that not only allows me to subscribe to XM satellite service but has an iPod hookup. Each day I load my iPod with all manner of content and it helps pass the time quite nicely. I listen to NPR shows and Harvard business school broadcasts, music roundups and tech talk, even a recording of the daily announcements at my son's high school (boy, does that take me back!) The iPod allows me to listen to shows when I want and pause them when I reach my destination.

Local content is harder to come by. But I keep searching. Anyone have a favorite?

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